Making the Match

What you might have missed:


  • Most successful projects involve a “funding puzzle” the raises grant and private funding and other commitments to meet the funding needs of the project.


  • Many successful OR projects rely common sources of public grant funding as the backbone which require a match of cash or in-kind resources or both.


  • Making the match is difficult for rural communities with limited resources


    • This webinar will explore the match requirements of common public funding sources and will explore innovative ways two Montana rural community-led projects have met the challenge.

Re-watch the webinar!

Helpful Resources

Our future webinar topics:

  • "Sneak Peek into 2020's Recreation Summit" September 29th 11:00 am - 12:00 pm


  • "Using Partnerships to Land Federal Funds"  October 6th 11:00 am - 12:00 pm
  • "Business of Outdoor Recreation Summit: Building Resiliency for the Future" October 13-15


  • "Best Project Ever: How Rural Communities Can Compete for New Grant Funds" October 27th 11:00am - 12:00 pm

Interested in the next webinar in the series?